PEO-1: The graduates of Information Technology should be able to apply basic and contemporary science, engineering, experimentation skills to identifying software/hardware problems in the industry, government and academia and be able to develop practical solutions to them.
PEO-2: The graduates of Information Technology Program should be able to use their skills with a strong base to prepare them for flexible career path and to sustain a lifelong career in related areas.
PEO-3: The graduates of Information Technology Program should have an exposure to state of art technologies, adequate software training and opportunities to work as team on multidisciplinary projects with effective communication skills and leadership qualities and adaptive emerging technologies.
PEO- 4: The graduates of Information Technology Program should be able to establish an understanding of professionalism, ethics, public policy and aesthetics that allows them to become good professional Engineers.
PSO1: To understand, evaluate, design and develop optimized solutions by implementing the core concept of Information Technology.
PSO2: To be able to apply software engineering principles that helps to create quality software that supports all business applications and social solutions.
PSO3: To be able to adapt to new and evolving technologies and integrate them in bringing up innovations to the problems that are prevailing.
Prathyusha Engineering College, Chennai popularly known as PEC