Academic Council - Prathyusha Engineering College

Academic Council

Minutes of Meeting

Academic Council Member List

S.No.CategoryName of the FacultyDesignation
1.ChairmanDr. R. S. KumarPrincipal,
2.All Heads of the Department of the Autonomous CollegeHeads of all the DepartmentsMembers
3.Four teachers of the Autonomous College representing different Categories of teaching staff by rotation on the basis of seniority of service in the collegeMs.Ezhilarasi,Assistant Professor, Mathematics
Dr.MadhusudhananAssociate Professor
Dr.M.GopikrishnanIQAC Coordinator
4.Not less than four Experts/ Academicians from outside the autonomous college representing such areas as Industry, Commerce, Law,Education, Medicine, Engineering, Sciences, etc. Are to be nominated by the Governing BodyDr.G.GiridharRetd. Director,
Mr.Ganesh ThirunavukkarasuHead, Academic Interface Program, TCS
Mr.Sukhpreet SinghCEO, TANSAM
Dr.R. Bhaskaran,Professor, CSE, Centre for International Affairs
5Three Nominees of the University, not less than Professors1. Dr.K.PremalathaProfessor, Civil Engineering, CEG, Anna University, Chennai
2. Dr.R.Saravanan,Professor, Mechanical Engineering, CEG Campus, Anna University,
3. Dr. B.T.N.SridharProfessor, Department of
Aerospace Engineering, MIT Campus, Chennai
6The Controller of Examinations of the Autonomous College
7A faculty member nominated by the Principal(Member Secretary)Dr.G. PremalathaHead, ECE,
Prathyusha Engineering College


NAAC Grade Accreditation

10 st

Rank among Affiliated Colleges in Tamil Nadu

50 %

Internship cum Placement

1 Crore

Worth Research Grants


Anna University Rank Holders