PEO-1: To train the graduates to be excellent in computing profession by updating technical skill-sets and applying new ideas as the technology evolves.
PEO-2: To enable the graduates to excel in professional career and /or higher education by acquiring knowledge in mathematical, computing and engineering principles.
PEO-3: To enable the graduates, to be competent to grasp, analyze, design, and create new products and solutions for the real time problems that are technically advanced economically feasible and socially acceptable
PEO- 4: To enable the graduates to pursue a productive career as a member of multi-disciplinary and cross-functional teams, with an appreciation for the value of ethic and cultural diversity and an ability to relate engineering issues to broader social context.
A graduate of the Computer Science and Engineering Program will able
PSO1: To Analyze, Design and Develop computer programs / Applications in the areas related to Web-Technologies, Networking, Algorithms, Cloud Computing, Data analytics, Computer Vision, Cyber-Security and Intelligent Systems for efficient design of computer-based and Mobile-based systems of varying complexity.
PSO2: To use modern software tools (like NS2, MATLAB, OpenCV, etc..) for designing, simulating, analyzing and generating experimental results for real-time problems and case studies
PSO3: To Apply Software Engineering practices and strategies for developing Projects related to emerging technologies.
Prathyusha Engineering College, Chennai popularly known as PEC