The college library is occupied in the First floor Second floor and Third floor of the building. Our Library is Spacious, well ventilated well lighted with a total area of 1745 sq.m. Open Access System is followed in the library.


Library is automated using Autolib Software . Central library is fully automated with Autolib Software (Web based). Total number of books 61263 and titles 12556 are available. In addition to which the central library also subscribes 60 printed journals e resources IEEE,, DELNET and NDLI (National Digital Library) 9 news papers, English, Tamil & Telugu. Books are classified and arranged according to the Deway Decimal Classification order (DDC). In this fully automated library, students and staff members can search the books by author, title, publishers or subjects and their availability. Central library has a special facility called OPAC (Online Public Access Catalogue Service).Central library is registered member of National Digital Library (NDLI) National Digital Library provides support for all academic levels including researches and life long learners all disciplines, all popular form of access devices and differently abled learners . It is being developed to help students to prepare for entrance and competitive examination, to enable people to learn and prepare from best practices from all over the world. To promote a spirit of continuous learning among its students Prathyusha Engineering College peaceful and enriching hours in the Central Library. Central library has a seating capacity of 120. Central library having library hour daily departmentwise., Total project report 3072, back volumes nearly 2000 available.

Library Resources

Total no of Title
Total no of Volumes
National Journals
60 (Hard Copy)
Back volumes
1500 ( Journals back issues)
3072 (Departmentwise)
Daily Newspaper
English Telugu & Tamil
Total no of cds

Digital Library: To help the students in accessing the E-Resources and other reference available on-line, a Digital Library has been also set up in the Library.
In digital library full air-conditioned facility 30 computers with internet connection. In library hour student can utilize the digital library.

1.IEEE, E-journal resources, facility we are having. (EBSCO ASPP ONLINE journals)
2.DELNET ( Developing Library facility)
Total Number of Books – 1947
Total Number of Journal – 1300

3.NDL (National Digital Library) free resources:
NDLI around 45 million titles of different books on varied topics and subjects and is easily accessible on the new at
1. Education material available for all subjects areas like technology, social science
Literature, law, Medical etc.
2. Huge volumes of educational materials authored by large number of authors available
3. All types of resources such as books audio Books/lectures Video lectures, Lecture
Presentations/ Notes, Simulations, Questions Papers Solutions etc.
4. Content of all languages available in widely used Indian Language.

The best place for experiential Learning