To develop a system for conscious, consistent and catalytic action to improve the academic and administrative performance of the institution.
To promote measures for institutional functioning towards quality enhancement through internalization of quality culture and institutionalization of best practices.


To stimulate the academic environment of promotion of quality of teaching-learning and research in campus.
To encourage self-evaluation, accountability, autonomy and
To undertake quality-related research studies, consultancy and training programmes.
To make familiar and used to with the latest technological developments in the field of information communication.


Student’s performance is evaluated through Internal Assessment Test [IAT] and End semester Examinations and students Grievance if any is fully addressed by means of well established mechanism.
The college adopts mentor/ tutor system to look after the learning capabilities of students individually.
Feedback system is adopted to evaluate the teacher’s performance by students / alumni.
Apart from traditional lecture method of teaching, the IQAC advocates student centric learning – a process in which group discussions, interactive session, seminars , articles / book review, conducting various academic related activities , extension activities, each students, participation in skill development programmes, learning value/ ethics based courses etc., are involved.
Each department is allotted with 14 different co-ordinators to lookj into academic, teaching, research, placement, student support etc.
The monitoring system in respect of teaching, learning and evaluation is manifold such as, IQAC, feedback from stakeholders, Management Review, Internal Audit by IQAC and ISO surveillance Audit by external agency.
Documentation of the various programmes/activities leading to quality improvement;
Acting as a nodal agency of the Institution for coordinating quality-related activities, including adoption and dissemination of best practices;
Development and maintenance of institutional database through MIS for the purpose of maintaining /enhancing the institutional quality;
Development of Quality Culture in the institution;
Preparation of the Annual Quality Assurance Report (AQAR) as per guidelines and parameters of NAAC, to be submitted to NAAC.
IQAC assists the college in preparing Academic Plan every year
It publishes “ Academic Calendar” each year and issues to all the faculty and students incorporating the Academic Plan in it
Faculty Development Programmes and orientation programmes are arranged for enhancing professional competency and teaching skills of the faculty.
It ensures that the Departments provide course outline and course schedule to the students prior to the commencement of the academic session.
The use of ICT, e-learning, e-books on-line journals, software meant for teaching are the latest technologies in operation at the initiatives of IQAC.


Contact Person

Professor, Dept of CSE
IQAC – Coordinator
Prathyusha Engineering College
Channai – 602025.

Mobile : 8056003434 / 044-37673767

Members of IQAC

Name of the Members
Head of the Institution
Dr. Balachandar R
Professor, Bio-Tech
Ms. Sripriya
Asst. Professor, CSE
Dr. Vimala.S
Asst. Professor, ECE
Dr. Raja.P
Asst. Professor, MECH
Dr. Sujitha N
Asst. Professor, ECE
Dr. Sadhana C
Asst. Professor, AI&ML
Ms. Geetha G
Asst. Professor, AI&DS
Ms. Asha V
Asst. Professor, AI&DS
Mr. Iniyan E.U
Asst. Professor, ECE
Ms. Anithalakshmi V
Asst. Professor, CSBS
Mr. Rajesh J
Asst. Professor, EEE
Dr. Uma P
Asst. Professor, Chem
Ms. Joyce Hellen Sathya D
Assistant Professor, BT
Ms. Pradeepa S
Asst. Professor, IT
Ms. Thavavinu A
Asst. Professor, IT
Dr. Renuga S
Asst. Professor, Phy
Ms. Devi P.R.
Asst. Professor, Maths
Dr. Sreela B
Asst. Professor, English
Mr. Rameez
Ms. Sumathi
Ms. Divyasree
RDO, Tiruvallur
Ms. Hannah Robert
Mr. Yogesh
Mr. Wesley M
Dr. Gopikrishnan M
Professor, IT
Member, Coordinator IQAC
Dr. Shobana S
Asso. Professor, EEE

IQAC Planner

Audit Category
Pre Semester Audit
1. Even Semester Audit – 1 – Before commence of Semester.
2. IAT-1 Question paper verification and collection from 2nd and 3rd year as per Bloom’s Taxonomy
IAT – 1
1. Audit – 2 IAT -1 Answer script audit
2. Intensive IAT -1 Answer script audit
3. Audit – 3 IAT – 1 Phase – 1 Course file audit along with Course outcome analysis.
4. Audit – 2- IAT -1 Answer script audit report submission to chairperson.
5. Audit for Mentor book updation.
IAT – 2
1. IAT-2 Question paper verification and collection as per Bloom’s Taxonomy
2. Audit – 3 IAT – 1 Phase – 1 Course file audit report submission to chairperson.

1. Audit – 4 IAT – 2 Answer script audit
2. Intensive IAT – 2 Answer script audit
3. Audit – 5 IAT – 2 Phase – 2 Course file audit along with Course outcome analysis.
4. Audit – 4 IAT -2 Answer script audit report submission to chairperson.
5. Audit for Mentor book updation.
1. IAT-3Question paper verification and collection as per Bloom’s Taxonomy
2. Audit – 6 for UPC questions collections – category wise.
3. Audit – 5 IAT – 2 Phase – 2 Course file audit report submission to chairperson.

1. Audit – 6 IAT – 3 Answer script audit
2. Intensive IAT – 3 Answer script audit
3. Audit – 7 IAT – 3 Phase – 2 Course file audit along with Course outcome analysis.
4. Audit – 6 IAT -3 Answer script audit report submission to chairperson.
5. Audit – 7 IAT – 3 Phase – 2 Course file audit report submission to chairperson.
6. Audit for Mentor book updation.
Model Question paper verification and collection as per previous year Question paper.

1. Audit – 7 Model Answer script audit
2. Intensive Model Answer script audit
3. Audit – 8 Model Phase – 3 Course file audit along with Course outcome analysis.
4. Audit – 7 Model Answer Script audit report submission to chairperson.
1. Audit – 8 Model Course file audit report submission to chairperson.
2. Individual faculty complete course file audit for Odd semester.
3. File verification Audit for all Departments except S&H required by as per NBA, AICTE & NAAC.